
Monday, December 11, 2023

SACRAMENTO – Today, the California Legislative Jewish Caucus released a letter thanking President Biden for his efforts on behalf of those being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza and requesting that he continue to do everything possible to ensure that all those in captivity are safely released as quickly as possible. The Jewish Caucus also asked the President to ensure Red Cross access to the hostages to ascertain their health condition, in light of widespread reports of physical and sexual abuse.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

SACRAMENTO – The California Legislative Jewish Caucus issued the following statement after the California Democratic Party Convention was shut down by anti-Israel protesters. The Jewish Caucus is co-chaired by Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel (D-Encino) and Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco):

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

SACRAMENTO – Today, the California Legislative Jewish Caucus released a letter — signed by all 18 members of the Caucus — calling on University of California President Michael V. Drake and California State University Chancellor Mildred García to act to counter the wave of antisemitic incidents sweeping their campuses since Hamas’s terrorist attack on October 7.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Jewish Caucus Applauds Additional Funding to Protect Vulnerable Communities Amid Surge in Mideast Violence

Governor Newsom Announces $30 Million in Additional State Funds to Support Communities Threatened by Hate-Motivated Violence


Saturday, October 7, 2023

SACRAMENTO, CA – Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel (D - Encino), Senator Scott Wiener (D - San Francisco), and Senator Josh Becker (D - Menlo Park), released the following statement on behalf of the California Legislative Jewish Caucus:


Friday, July 14, 2023

With antisemitic incidents spiking in California, Jewish advocates for increased funding for the state’s nonprofit security grant program were bracing for the worst, given the state’s $30 billion budget deficit. But when Gov. Gavin Newsom, who had cut the program in his original budget proposal, signed the state’s annual budget bill on Monday, Jewish leaders were guardedly optimistic at the outcome.

The 2024 budget commits $20 million to the state’s nonprofit security grant program — nearly $30 million less than last year’s funding level, and far below the $80 million sought by Jewish community activists during their advocacy day in Sacramento in May. 

“Would I have preferred to have $50 million again? Of course I would. But given the real budgetary constraints that we were facing this year, I think this is a good outcome,” California Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel, an Encino Democrat who chairs the Legislative Jewish Caucus, told Jewish Insider, noting that “a lot of programs were completely zeroed out.”  

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Co-chair of Sacramento’s Jewish Caucus, State Senator Scott Wiener cites his upbringing as inspiring legislation that will allow religious institutions to build homes on their land

LOS ANGELES — California State Senator Scott Wiener paused to munch on blueberries as he pitched his affordable housing bill earlier this year to members of IKAR, a Jewish congregation based in LA.

The bill, which recently gained ground as it advances toward ahead of a final vote on the Senate floor, touches on an issue that’s close to Wiener’s heart and closely tied in with his Jewish identity — which he made sure to mention in the Zoom meeting.

“I learned very early on that, for Jews, if the wrong government comes into power, really bad things can happen,” Wiener told the attendees. “I view politics and lawmaking as saving lives and we know that the housing crisis is killing people.”

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Newsom has already proposed spending reductions in education, transportation and climate change programs, and almost every other area of state government is braced for cuts as well. But somehow, in the middle of this budgetary mayhem, the governor was able to find additional money to fight hate. Newsom’s newly revised budget allocates $10 million to continue California’s Nonprofit Security Grant program, which provides funding support for nonprofit organizations that are at high risk for violent attacks and hate crimes due to ideology, beliefs, or mission. 

For the state’s Jewish community, which has faced an alarming number of antisemitic acts in recent years, this security grant funding has provided critical financial support for synagogues, Jewish day schools and other community organizations. But just a few weeks ago, it appeared that the funding would not be included in Newsom’s new budget.

When the money did show last week, it was not an accident. What happened was a testament to the commitment, the determination, and the tireless work of the California Jewish community and its leaders, who recognized the threat that the lack of security funding would pose and who escalated their already considerable efforts to convince the governor and his advisors to find the money even in an exceedingly difficult budget year. As the governor’s revised proposal was being finalized, the Jewish Legislative Caucus, led by Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel (D-Woodland Hills), met with Newsom and strongly urged him to continue his past support for the safety program. And just two days before Newsom’s revised budget was due to be released, the Jewish Public Affairs Committee (JPAC) mobilized more than 300 of their members from across the state to descend on Sacramento to lobby for the nonprofit grants.

The result was an unadulterated success. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023


The California Legislative Jewish Caucus aims to pursue a broad variety of bills to lift up many struggling groups during the 2023 session.

Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel, the co-chair of the Jewish Caucus, said that “this year, we are proudly bringing our Jewish values into the policymaking process and working closely with allies in other communities to address issues like hate crimes, Holocaust education, community security, mental health and environmental justice.”

The top three “priority” bills include a proposal to regulate automated decision tools to counter “algorithmic discrimination”; expansion of the California State Nonprofit Security Grant Program; and streamlining efforts by faith-based groups and nonprofit colleges to build affordable, multifamily housing.


Tuesday, May 9, 2023

SACRAMENTO, CA - Today, the California Legislative Jewish Caucus announced its legislative priorities for 2023. This year, the Caucus has selected important legislation for two legislative packages that further the mission of the Jewish Caucus: to advance the Jewish Community’s top priorities and uplift vulnerable Californians of all faiths and backgrounds.