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The California Legislative Jewish Caucus Hosts Annual Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony in the State Capitol

Press Release

(Sacramento, CA) – Today, the California State Assembly honored Holocaust survivors, descendants of survivors, and World War II liberators residing throughout the state during its annual Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony.

“As we remember the six million Jews who were murdered by the Nazis in the Holocaust, it is alarming to learn that instances of anti-Semitism in the United States rose 57 percent last year and that two thirds of millennials don’t know what Auschwitz is,” said Assemblymember Marc Levine, Chair of the California Legislative Jewish Caucus. “Perhaps that shouldn't be surprising in 2017 where white supremacists brazenly chanted ‘Jews will not replace us’ in Charlottesville, VA.”

“We must never forget the millions of innocent people who perished during the Holocaust.  It is very important to keep their memories alive,” said Andre Gabany, Assemblymember Levine’s honoree. “In doing so, we hope that history will never repeat itself.  Good people should always stand up against evil and fight for justice.”

Each year, the California Legislative Jewish Caucus requests that all Assemblymembers invite honorees from their districts for a brunch and Assembly Floor Ceremony. The ceremony presents a unique opportunity to hear the stories of the survivors, children of survivors, and World War II liberators. As the number of survivors diminishes, there is a growing urgency to take the time to learn from these stories first-hand.

The California Legislature honored 39 survivors, liberators, and children of survivors in the California State Assembly chamber.

The California Legislative Jewish Caucus formed in January of 2013 to respond to the needs of California’s diverse Jewish community and to be a Jewish voice for justice, equality and progress.

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